Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Living Water International

i flush my tolet with clean water.

lots of people dont have clean water to drink.

many people dying for drinking dirty water.

it makes me very mad and sad.

it should make you very mad and sad to becus we have so much junk and stuff.

but this year i want less stuff.

so my family can give to living water internashunal to help build wells to give fresh water.

so maybe this year you could buy one less gift for each other to.

and then help with building wells.


Tracy Hart said...

You are a very wise young lady and you have a beautiful heart. Many people could learn a lot from you!

Tracie Butler said...

This is very nice, Charlie Grace. Keep writing! You will inspire others to make good choices.

Living Water International said...

Gracie- You Rock! Thanks for speaking up for the kids who are thirsty!Keep up the good work... we are proud of you!
Living Water International